Cyberbullying Report
Anti-Bullying and Internet Safety Services
Stop Letting Them Get Away with It!

Social Intel. Director of Insurance Neil Weiss

Social Intel. Director of Insurance Neil Weiss
Social Intel. Director of Insurance Neil Weiss
Report #: 328 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Employment Screening
Specific Location: 735 State Street, Suite 600
City/Local Area: Santa Barbara
State/Territory: California
Region: United States

Neil Weiss is the Director of Insurance Strategy and Solutions for Social Intelligence Corp. where he works primarily with Social Intelligence clients in the insurance industry. Unlike other Social Intelligence employees Weiss focuses less on stalking possible hires and employees because stalking on a massive scale has many uses. In the case of the insurance industry it can be used to identify statements made on Facebook and other social networks that may indicate fraud. For instance workers compensation claims may be called into question if subjects collecting benefits for back injuries are caught by Social Intelligence software posting pictures of themselves playing basketball.

Although not primarily used for employment screening stalking subjects of claims for insurance companies is stalking none the less. Even if they are being stalked for the purpose of exposing fraud.

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