Somebody hacked my facebook account and used it for scamming
Somebody hacked my facebook account and used it for scamming
Date Reported: Monday, August 15, 2022
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: Polong east bugallon pangasinan
City/Local Area: Manila
State/Territory: Philippines
Region: East Asia
Somebody hacked my fb account, (jesusa servanda) and even used my fb page (jeah) last sunday night and used it to scam by posting in so many gb groups a business which i do not own asking the intestested members to pm him to invest 1k for rice and egg business. My friends screened shots all his posts and passed ot to me. I made a new account and added my hacked account. He accepted me and ask him to give back my account to me but he blocked me. My facebook friends traced the hacker with facebook name (awithe ajibu). His post goes like this: sino po gusto ng rice and egg business sa 1k pesos may negoayo kna dadalhin sa bahay mo PM ME sa gusto slamat.
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