Cyberbullying Report
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Thomas James Weldon - Stalking Sandra Bullock Since 2003

Thomas James Weldon - Stalking Sandra Bullock Since 2003
Thomas James Weldon - Stalking Sandra Bullock Since 2003
Report #: 133 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: Jackson Hole
City/Local Area: Cheyenne
State/Territory: Wyoming
Region: United States

Thomas James Weldon has been stalking Sandra Bullock despite multiple restraining orders since 2003. As part of his efforts he sent her countless unwanted emails and faxes. Weldon has been described over the years as schizophrenic who is off his medication when he is not in a mental institution. Sandra Bullock and her son got their first restraining order against him in 2003, their second in 2006, and a third in 2010 after he showed up in Sandra's home town of Jackson Hole Wyoming claiming to have communicated with the actress telepathetically.


Have you ever thought about stalking a famous actress, but were too broke to leave the state of Wyoming? Sandra Bullock's house in Jackson Hole is your best chance at stalking a girl of your dreams.

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