Todd Shanks Stalking Family Members in Portland, Oregon
Date Reported: Thursday, May 17, 2012
Status: Past Incident
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Investigative Services
Specific Location: West Linn
City/Local Area: Portland
State/Territory: Oregon
Region: United States
A relative told me recently that some random dude named Todd Shanks in Portland, Oregon had cyberstalked her by tracking down her cell phone number and calling her as part of a stalking campaign against me. I don't know much about Shanks other than the fact that he has nothing better to do than stalk random people and harass their relatives when he should mind his own business.
UPDATE: Upon further investigation it turned out that this stalker actually was one of the worst types of stalkers ever known to man, a police officer who believes that his job gives him some kind of right to stalk members of the public just because some judge wants to speak with them. Police officers believe all too often that they can operate with impunity because of their job title and as a result they commit multiple felonies against the general public knowing full well that they will escape justice. Those days are at an end thanks to the internet where anyone can hold cops accountable for their actions whether those actions are protected by law or not.
In the future I recommend that deputy Shanks consider the possible consequences of his actions before harassing people who have more important things to do than grant him the privilege of an audience. If he has a problem with this then he needs to stop stalking people.
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